

What does the reading suggest about the conditions that make self-definition of self expression easier or more difficult?

The reading suggests that you should feel comfortable and confident within yourself. If you love something, go for it. That is what Abe did. Abe was so passionate about fashion at such a young age. He was bullied as a kid, but he got over it. He was proud to be who he was. Even though his father did not like the same thing. People will judge and look at you, but as long as you are happy and love who you truly are, you should always be true to yourself.

One thought on “9/4/19

  1. I really like this perspective because it is important to feel that confidence and feel comfortable in your own skin. I like how you stated and noticed how Abe was proud of who he was, despite all the difficulties it took for him to truly express himself. Society always judges, like you said, but your perspective helps to prove that it’s important to be true to yourself even if it takes time with many bumps in the road.

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