

In Moises Velasquez-Manoff’s “Want To Be Less Racist? Move To Hawaii, he talks about the story of Dr. Pauker’s experience with leaving Hawaii and going to school out in Dartmouth. Manoff examines his interest in the subject of racial attitudes in Hawaii and how he developed these ideas for this article came from Dr. Pauker. They both talk about the idea that race is “a way to feel out of place.” When Pauker was applying for colleges, she felt that she needed to leave her home place for the East Coast to experience new things. When arriving at college, she was instantly thrown at with questions, which consisted of people asking where was she from to her what her ethnicity was. Manoff quotes Pauker of saying “it opened my eyes to the fact that not everyone sees race the same way” meaning that each person sees race as a different way and groups you differently. While at college, she had seen that each group of students had their own specific “group”; whites sat with whites, Asians sat with Asians, and so forth. This was an all new experience for her. Back in Hawaii, being of mixed race was a common thing, no one cared what race you are. But, in other places, race was a crazy thing. You didn’t know what kind of reaction you were getting. The idea that Manoff wants us to understand from this article, is to be understanding of each and every person’s race. We would see each other differently, and have less use for race if we all depended on each other.

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