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Month: October 2019



To ” modulate your outsider identity” means hiding away any characteristics about yourself that are viewed and seen by an inside group that views these qualities as wrong and unjustified. I do agree that everyone has “outsider” aspects to their identities that they do choose to hide away and cover up from the rest of society. There are different reasons as to why many people choose to hide certain qualities; but the main reason is that they are afraid of…

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Write a blog post about what you found more convincing and what you found less convincing. Do you think authors’ messages to you was what they intended? Why or why not? After reading both these readings, I found that John Hagan’s was more convincing than Anna Holmes. I feel like the authors’ messages was what they intended, they just portrayed them in a different way. In Holmes’ story, I found that some parts that I read were kind of off…

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The podcast argues that what led to a change of attitudes was society. Back in the early days, people were hated for being in the LGBT community. They were discriminated against and were beaten or had got into many fights over religion and their beliefs that were different from everyone else. The LGBT were looked at as people that weren’t the norm; they weren’t the typical normal person you would talk to. From generation through generation, the beliefs were passed…

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For upcoming interview, I will be doing it with my small group. We will be discussing and talking about how we preform as a group and how we each individually contribute to the group. When we record this interview, we will let each other talk while we listen and not interrupt. In this recording, my small group and I will be doing a group interview. We will be discussing how it is to be a group and how well we…

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Parallels that I see between or among the readings and sources is that they all have to do with being understanding and empathetic. It interest me that these people are coming to realizations that understanding others and feeling emotions of others and sharing experiences can really change people. For paper 2, I would like to have better writing than what I had for paper 1. I want to use stronger sentences and stronger use of transition words. I want this…

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In Aspen Baker’s ted talk, she discusses how there are multiple problems out in the world that we don’t talk about; abortion as an example. It has a been a topic of many for years. It is so controversial that many people argue of the topic of abortion. Topics like this are never an easy going conversation for people to have. Baker goes on to tell her story of her first time having an abortion. She was told it would…

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I believe that the main argument Adrian Chen is trying to make in “Unfollow” is that as humans we tend to “make fire with fire”. By this, I mean that when we fight hate with hate; there’s no fixing or stopping the flame if we keep adding in more fire or in this case, more hate. Meghan Phelps-Roper was a religious woman who picketed with her church at hate groups. These people at the church, Westboro Baptist Church, were homophobic,…

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