

I believe that the main argument Adrian Chen is trying to make in “Unfollow” is that as humans we tend to “make fire with fire”. By this, I mean that when we fight hate with hate; there’s no fixing or stopping the flame if we keep adding in more fire or in this case, more hate. Meghan Phelps-Roper was a religious woman who picketed with her church at hate groups. These people at the church, Westboro Baptist Church, were homophobic, cheered on hate groups and crimes, were anti-sematic and more. Phelps-Roper soon admitted that she was starting to be against and felt that it was wrong to do what she does. Her mind was changed when people of love and respect treated her with kindness; even if they were against her beliefs. At the end, these people of the church were able to finally look past at all the things they saw as “evil” and welcomed them as their own. Chen wants us to understand that even though everyone is different, as a whole we need to see that in each and everyone of us, we are the same with a bit of a flaw to us.

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