

The podcast argues that what led to a change of attitudes was society. Back in the early days, people were hated for being in the LGBT community. They were discriminated against and were beaten or had got into many fights over religion and their beliefs that were different from everyone else. The LGBT were looked at as people that weren’t the norm; they weren’t the typical normal person you would talk to. From generation through generation, the beliefs were passed down. But, as the years grew and changed, these beliefs that the gays were wrong started to slowly disappear and they were finally starting to be seen as equal and be accepted. I think that other factors that caused a change in attitudes was that society finally grew up and decided to believe what they wanted to believe and not what other people thought for them. They got a final sense for themselves of what was right and what was wrong. People these days have new knowledge and can use it to feel what they know what is best to accept. In the radio podcast, it was stated, “The pain of the past is not the focus of our episode today. It is only the backdrop, but it is necessary to see this backdrop clearly to understand something very new and very surprising. Things have changed dramatically in the United States when it comes to attitudes about gay people.” Meaning that what happened in the past is important to look at in today’s society to understand what these changes had done with the attitudes of many today.

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