

Write a blog post about what you found more convincing and what you found less convincing. Do you think authors’ messages to you was what they intended? Why or why not?

After reading both these readings, I found that John Hagan’s was more convincing than Anna Holmes. I feel like the authors’ messages was what they intended, they just portrayed them in a different way. In Holmes’ story, I found that some parts that I read were kind of off the centered topic and then were brought back on topic, making it kind of confusing. Where as Hagan’s story stayed on the centered topic the whole time; which I found to be helpful that he didn’t stray away from it.

Diversity is the meaning of having an understanding of each and every individual is not the same, but unique, and having a recognition of their differences. My definition differs from what Holmes says how we use the word diversity now because she says, ” How does it go from communicating something idealistic to something cynical and suspect? If that word is diversity, the answer is: through a combination of overuse, imprecision, inertia, and self-serving intentions” (Holmes 217). I believe that Holmes is saying that us as people take the word diversity and use it way too much without knowing the full meeting.

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