Apprentice Book

Apprentice Book

Good with Boys

By: Kristen Iskandrian

Reflect, Your Choice:

I chose the story “Good with Boys” by Kristen Iskandrian to do my apprentice book on. From the three stories we have read, I wanted to pick this story in particular because it is so relatable. Everyone at some point in elementary school had a huge crush on someone, myself included in that. Another reason that I chose this story was because of the internal dialogue within the main character Jill. Considering that she is only about ten-eleven years old, her choice of words to describe the things she saw or thought made it easier for me to depict what to include in my apprentice book. The last reason as to why I decided to focus on this story, was because it was simply from a child’s perspective, as opposed to the other two stories where they were from an adult’s perspective. Reading a story from a younger person’s POV made it more fun to read the way they viewed everything that happened. Which therefore gave me more ideas for my apprentice book.

Reflect, Bookmaking 

I decided to make my apprentice book short, sweet, and simple. My idea of this book was to make it seem like it was made from the POV of an elementary school student, where in this case it would be made by the main character, Jill, while she is on her field trip at the museum, where she is spending the night. The front cover is simply a drawing of the bus as they begin their story on the drive to the museum. The back cover is a simple drawing of the bus as well, but this time it is heading in the opposite direction as they end their field trip and are heading back to the school. The inside pages are a description of what Jill experienced throughout the field trip, from the bus ride to trying to capture her crush’s attention to  the day of departure. As I mentioned before, I wanted to create this book in a way that a child would have made it, so it is intended to not look the neatest. That being said, I simply used markers to convey the art being drawn and used as little words as possible, but enough to tell the story.  Everything was drawn on white paper, and cut and glued onto the construction paper, using the orange as a form of background.

Front cover
Pages 1&2
Pages 3&4
Pages 5&6
Back cover