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Author: tbaker7

12/4/19-Final Post

12/4/19-Final Post

Switching genres from an academic paper to a podcast paper allowed me to think in a different way about the subject of my paper, being diversity and covering, was a little difficult to do. I will be honest in saying that I had a hard time switching because I couldn’t figure out how to switch and use a more personal tone in my podcast paper. I had an easier time cutting out quotes and unneeded wording throughout the paper. To…

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Blog Post: How does Lalami go about exploring the word she has chosen? Right from the start of Lalami’s essay, she mentions the word assimilate when talking with her seat mate on the plane; mostly about Koreans. Her seat mate mentions that “they don’t assimilate”. Lalami only continued to listen to the conversation was to try and understand where the miscommunication was within the word assimilate. She goes on to explain the word as “meaning to make similar”. Lalami goes…

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Yoshino integrates his quotes by mostly using colons to introduce them. Right after each of his quotes, if needed, Yoshino goes on to explain them for further clarification for the reader. A quote that Yoshino introduces is a single phase sentence that is followed by a colon, ending with another single phase sentence. Yoshino quotes, “The True Self is associated with human spontaneity and authenticity: “Only the True Self can be creative and only the True Self can feel real.”…

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Throughout Yoshino’s story, I found that his definition of covering was in a way spot on. I thought that he used the word in the right context. He gave the definition right in the beginning of the text, but then used some more context to fully define it. Yoshino states, “Everyone covers. To cover is to tone down a disfavored identity to fit into the mainstream. In our increasingly diverse society, all of us are outside the mainstream in some…

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To ” modulate your outsider identity” means hiding away any characteristics about yourself that are viewed and seen by an inside group that views these qualities as wrong and unjustified. I do agree that everyone has “outsider” aspects to their identities that they do choose to hide away and cover up from the rest of society. There are different reasons as to why many people choose to hide certain qualities; but the main reason is that they are afraid of…

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Write a blog post about what you found more convincing and what you found less convincing. Do you think authors’ messages to you was what they intended? Why or why not? After reading both these readings, I found that John Hagan’s was more convincing than Anna Holmes. I feel like the authors’ messages was what they intended, they just portrayed them in a different way. In Holmes’ story, I found that some parts that I read were kind of off…

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The podcast argues that what led to a change of attitudes was society. Back in the early days, people were hated for being in the LGBT community. They were discriminated against and were beaten or had got into many fights over religion and their beliefs that were different from everyone else. The LGBT were looked at as people that weren’t the norm; they weren’t the typical normal person you would talk to. From generation through generation, the beliefs were passed…

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