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Category: Blog ENG 110



For upcoming interview, I will be doing it with my small group. We will be discussing and talking about how we preform as a group and how we each individually contribute to the group. When we record this interview, we will let each other talk while we listen and not interrupt. In this recording, my small group and I will be doing a group interview. We will be discussing how it is to be a group and how well we…

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Parallels that I see between or among the readings and sources is that they all have to do with being understanding and empathetic. It interest me that these people are coming to realizations that understanding others and feeling emotions of others and sharing experiences can really change people. For paper 2, I would like to have better writing than what I had for paper 1. I want to use stronger sentences and stronger use of transition words. I want this…

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In Aspen Baker’s ted talk, she discusses how there are multiple problems out in the world that we don’t talk about; abortion as an example. It has a been a topic of many for years. It is so controversial that many people argue of the topic of abortion. Topics like this are never an easy going conversation for people to have. Baker goes on to tell her story of her first time having an abortion. She was told it would…

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I believe that the main argument Adrian Chen is trying to make in “Unfollow” is that as humans we tend to “make fire with fire”. By this, I mean that when we fight hate with hate; there’s no fixing or stopping the flame if we keep adding in more fire or in this case, more hate. Meghan Phelps-Roper was a religious woman who picketed with her church at hate groups. These people at the church, Westboro Baptist Church, were homophobic,…

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From this reading, I am being asked to believe or to accept that the disease Morgellons is in fact a real thing that the people are going through and whom are experiencing suffering and pain that does not go away. Reasons as to why I believe it could be a real disease is that everyone in Jamison’s story “Devil’s Bait” that she got to sit down and talk with shared their experience with the problem and they all described almost…

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I see Jamison practicing empathy, according to Zaki’s definition, sharing in and developing an understanding of what the people in her essay are going through is when she meets these people at places like a coffee shop or the bathroom to talk to them. She says that she doesn’t notice their disfigure until she is up close to them to see all their sores. Jamison sits with them and asks them, the women she finds, how they feel and how…

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In Adichie’s ted talk “The Danger of a Single Story”, she talks about her life story of growing up in Nigeria and how she felt there was nothing of her kind in African literature. She was always reading European and American stories. he would take the ideas of what she read and incorporate them into the stories she was writing. Her characters in her stories are what looked like the white and blue eyed. When she started to learn what…

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In Velasquez-Manoff’s “Is Hawaii’s Racial Harmony A Myth?”, he claim’s that his essay does not offer a coherent whole because he wanted to explore the things that make Hawaii unique without the myths so he could talk about the contradictions. What Manoff wanted to achieve in his essay was that there are many claims and opinions on whether Hawaii is a racist place or not. The essay has contradicted opinions from people saying it’s a happy place to be and…

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In Moises Velasquez-Manoff’s “Want To Be Less Racist? Move To Hawaii, he talks about the story of Dr. Pauker’s experience with leaving Hawaii and going to school out in Dartmouth. Manoff examines his interest in the subject of racial attitudes in Hawaii and how he developed these ideas for this article came from Dr. Pauker. They both talk about the idea that race is “a way to feel out of place.” When Pauker was applying for colleges, she felt that…

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