

I remember the first time that I fell in love. It was mid-summer and my friends and I went out to the club to celebrate my new promotion at the factory. We were all on the dance floor having a blast when I walked off to get another drink. I was making my way towards the bar when I saw the most beautiful girl sitting there with her friend, drinks in their hands. I wiped the sweat off my hands and calmly walked over to the bar. I took a seat a few chairs away from her. I waited for the bartender to come take my drink order. As I was sitting there waiting, I could feel eyes on me. I turn towards the person to whom those eyes belonged to: her. My eyes connected to the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. Our eye contact was cut short when the bartender stood in front of me to take my order. Once he finished and walked away, I looked back to where she was sitting, but the chairs she and her friend once were are now occupied by two guys. Sighing in disappointment, I grabbed my drink and walked back to where my friends were on the dance floor. 

Drinks in our hands and the sound of the music blasting throughout the club, we were having the time of our lives. Having one too many, we were stumbling with every dance move we made. Tripping over my own two feet, I stumbled into the person in front of me, spilling my drink all over them. I look up to apologize to them, but my breath gets caught in my throat. I recognized those eyes from earlier. Those same blue eyes that belonged to her. After a moment of standing there like an idiot, I mustered up the courage to apologize. 

“I, um, I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s alright. We are at the club anyways, someone’s bound to get something spilt on them” she says while laughing. 

Oh, that laugh was like music to my ears, I could listen to it all night long. I broke out of my train of thought and offered to go buy her a drink to make up for spilling mine on her. 

“Hey, so how about we go to the bar and I’ll buy you a drink?” 

“That sounds great, let’s go!” she said while skipping away.

I turned back to my friends, to tell them I would be right back, but they were surprisingly watching our interaction, pointing in her direction telling me to follow after her. Turning on my heels, I ran to catch up to her. Running up behind her, I grabbed her chair before she could and pulled it out for her.

“Oh, what a gentleman we have here” she jokingly said.

“Well of course! Only the best for a pretty woman like you.”

“Charming are we?” “Only for you.” I said, adding a wink.

Once we took our seats, we called for the bartender to come over and make our drinks. After receiving the drinks, we decided to move over to a booth in a secluded area so we could hear each other speak. I wanted to take this opportunity to get to know the blue-eyed beauty I have become captivated by. 

“Want to play 20 questions?” I asked her. 

“What are we, 12?” she giggled out. 

“Haha, maybe I just wanted to know who this attractive lady is sitting across from me” I said as I leaned across the table, trying to get a better view of her.

“Well then, what’s your favorite color?” she asked. Before I answered, I noticed the soft faint of a blush forming on her cheeks from my compliment.


 “That’s such a stereotypical color that all guys say”

“Ehh, it’s a great color. What’s your favorite color then?”

“Black. Don’t look at me like that.”

“Sorry, haha. I’m just surprised that a girl like you likes such a color like black.”

“You probably thought I was going to say pink or something didn’t you?” she said almost teasingly. “So stereotypical,” she laughed.

We continued to ask each other questions for the next hour, getting to know each other. I learned that she is an only child, she’s from Wisconsin, and she’s got a job working at the high school, and that she’s 25, the same age as me. I was having a really good time with her. I was so caught up in just getting to know more about her that I completely forgot the most important question to ask: her name. Before I could ask, she was being called over by her friend, giving me my answer.

“Hey, Jennifer, are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, just give me a minute.” She turns back to me and says her goodbye.

“Well handsome, looks like it’s time for me to leave. I had a great time hanging out with you. Maybe we’ll see each other again.” 

Before I could ask for her number, she winks at me and walks off. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. Sighing, I stood up and walked back to my friends. We didn’t stay much longer after I returned to them. About an hour or so later we called for an uber and went back to my friend Micky’s place for the night.

Come morning, we spent a good portion of it trying to cure our hangovers. Soon we found ourselves at a coffee shop eating breakfast and drinking coffee. Most of the time we sat in a comfortable silence as some of the guys were still feeling the effects of all the alcohol they had last night. I didn’t mind the silence. It gave me time to think about the events that took place last night at the club. Jennifer, the blue-eyed beauty, popped into my mind. Remembering our time together formed a smile on my face. I guess everyone at the table noticed as Micky broke the silence, taking me out of my trance.

“What’s got you smiling like that?”

“Not a what, but a who. Probably that girl he ran off with last night. Little Miss blondie.” Drew smirked.

Once he said that, all the guys started teasing me and making kissing noises, making me laugh at their foolishness. 

“Oh come on guys, it’s not that serious. Nothing even happened last night, we just talked and had a few drinks. I didn’t even get to ask for her number.”

“No, but I bet you wanted something more to happen,” Nick spoke. 

“You know, Jay, I think this might be the first time I haven’t witnessed you leaving with someone and taking them back to your house,” Micky stated. 

“Trust me, I wanted something more to happen, but honestly guys, this time felt different. I don’t know how to explain it, but she isn’t like any of the other girls I’ve met at clubs. I know all the other times I would flirt, buy them a drink, skip the small talk, and take them back to my place, but this time I wanted to do the small talk and get to know her. I just wished I had the chance to ask for her number.” I said earning full attention from all the guys. 

“Wow Jay, I’ve never seen you so in love before,” said Drew.

“I’m not in love, I just met her not even 24 hours ago. I would hardly even call it a crush, maybe an infatuation.” 

“Whatever you say man,” Drew said laughing.

We went back into a comfortable silence, allowing me to go back into my thoughts replaying last night again. I just met her last night, I couldn’t possibly have a crush on her. I for one do not like getting into relationships. The thought of commitment scares me. I simply liked the idea of just hooking up. But, maybe the guys are right. Maybe I could be developing a crush on. There was just something about her alluring blue eyes that just captured my attention and captivated me into wanting to know more about her. Maybe this will go away soon and I won’t have these feelings any longer. It’s not like I’ll get lucky enough to run into her again outside of the bar. Summer is about to end, and I remember her telling me that she’s a teacher so she’ll be back in the classroom soon. So, there’s no chance I would see her again at a bar again come fall. 

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bells chiming, singling someone who had walked into the coffee shop. I move my eyes towards the door and my heart stops. There she is standing at the counter next to the same friend from last night. I couldn’t believe my eyes right now. Maybe luck is on my side after all. It seems like the guys followed my line of sight as they are now cheering me on into going over to her and asking for her number. I put my confident face on and headed on over, going over what I’m going to say to her. Her friend must’ve seen me coming as I saw her whisper and walk to a table. 

“Hey there, pretty eyes. Long time no see.” 

“Hi there, handsome. How are you doing?”

“Better now that you’re here.”

“I see you’re just as charming when you’re not drinking,” she said laughing.

“A girl like you should always be charmed,” I said, making her blush.

“You know, I never did catch your name last night. What name do you go by handsome?”

“Jay. Jay Parker. Nice to meet you formally.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Jennifer. Jennifer Raymond.”

“I know, hi there Jennfier. It’s nice to put a last name to the name.” She looked at me weird, confused on how I knew her name when she never told me herself. 

“I heard your friend calling your name last night when you left.” 

“Oh, that makes sense. I’m surprised you remembered it with the amount that you drank,” we laughed.

Before we could say anything else, we heard her name getting called for her coffee. As she walks over to grab, her friend does the same, and they both walk towards me. Now is my chance to ask for her number before she leaves again. 

“Hey, can I have your number? Because I like you a latte.” 

“Smooth” I hear her friend say as she snorts and walks off laughing back to their table, leaving Jennifer and I alone once again. We look at each other and laugh.

“Don’t mind her. But, yes you may have my number.”


Quickly we exchanged numbers, said our goodbyes, and returned back to our respective tables. During my walk back, I couldn’t stop smiling and thinking about how I was successful in getting her number. I felt like a schoolboy who finally got his crush’s attention. Sensing my accomplishment, the guys wouldn’t stop hounding me to now text her into asking her out on a date. I agreed to do so, but I didn’t want to just ask her out right away. I waited a few days so I could think about what I would say to her since I have never asked anyone out on a real date before. 

A few days had passed since I last saw her at the coffee shop. I kept checking my phone for any text messages or calls from her, but there was nothing. A part of me wanted her to be the first one to make the first move so I wouldn’t have too, but I finally decided to make the first move. Instead of texting her, I gave her a call.

“I was waiting for you to call. I was thinking you forgot about me.”

“Haha, no I actually couldn’t stop thinking about you. I was just too nervous to make the first move so I was hoping you would’ve called first.”

“Aww, you were nervous to call me. How cute.”

“Ugh stop with the teasing, or else I’m going to hang up” I said jokingly. 

“Okay, okay, I’ll stop for now. What did you call for?”

“I, umm, actually wanted to know if you wanted to go out tonight with me.”

“Like on a date?” 

“Yeah, if that would be alright.”

“I would love to.”

“Great! Let’s meet at the local grill and bar down by the coffee shop. Let’s say at 7?”

“Sounds good, I’ll see you later Jay.” “Bye Jennifer.”

After hanging up the phone I ran around my room jumping in excitement. I am officially going on my first date with someone. I never had anything more than a casual hook up before, so although I am extremely excited about tonight, I am also extremely nervous about tonight. What if things don’t go right? What if she realizes she doesn’t like me like how I like her? What if we run out of things to talk about? These were all the thoughts that I kept asking myself. 

Time seemed to fly by as I was getting ready. I was trying my hardest to look my best but I was struggling to find the right outfit. It’s just a casual dinner date, so it shouldn’t be this hard to find something to wear. My attire is usually just jeans and hoodies, since I work at a factory I don’t own many nice clothes. But, for tonight I wanted to look extra presentable and not in the same attire I wore when we first met at the club. After my shower, I was just standing in my room looking in my closet. I looked at the clock, 5:45. I need to get dressed, now I’m stressing about if I’m going to be late. I need to think about what to do. What should I do? An idea popped into my head, I’ll give Nick a facetime call. He has the best style out of us four guys. 

“Hey dude what’s up?” 

“I need your help Nick, like fast.”

“What’s wrong, hey hey calm down stop running, you’re making me dizzy.”

“I can’t calm down, Nick! I have a date with Jennifer tonight at 7, and it’s already 6! I don’t know what to wear.”

“You finally asked her on a date, I’m proud of you man. You must really like her.” 

“I think about her all the time. I took forever to even call her because I was nervous. Anyways, enough talk, I need help picking out an outfit.”

“Okay, alright, show me your closet.”

A few minutes of silence goes by when I hear Nick speak.

“Yo, Jay. Go grab your black jeans, the ones without the holes, and your gray button down shirt. And, wear your black low cut shoes.”

“Thank you, you’re a lifesaver.”

“I know. Just kidding. Now, go and hurry up and get ready for your big date.”

I threw my phone down onto the bed and hurried up and grabbed my clothes to get dressed. I threw on my pants and then my shirt. I must say, Nick knows what he’s talking about when it comes to clothes, because I look good. I have never worn this shirt more than twice before, so it’s still fairly new, same with these shoes. Most of my jeans have holes in them, except for this pair. I go to my bathroom, comb my hair, and re-brush my teeth. Giving myself one last look over, I head out to my car and head to the date. It was exactly 6:50 when I got there. I wasn’t late nor was I that early. I get out of my car and look around and notice she isn’t here yet. I decide to go ahead and walk up to the hostess to grab us a table. Right at 7, I see her walk in. Jumping up, I walk over and show her back to the table. Being the gentleman that I am, I pulled out her chair, and while doing so I admire her outfit. She looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a nice black jumper that fit her just right.

“You look beautiful.” I love making her blush.

“Oh, why thank you Jay. You look extra handsome.”

“So, shall we eat?” “Yes please.”

About two and half hours later and two champagne bottles through, we were having the greatest time. It was definitely one of the best nights we both ever had. We got to know each other more than we did at the club the first time. Those students are going to love having her as a teacher once summer ends. We decided it was getting late, especially since I still have work tomorrow, to call it a night. We bid our goodbyes to one another, and before she could walk completely off to her car, I grabbed her arm and brought her in for a kiss. This shocked her at first, but she soon melted in and kissed back, bringing a smile to both our faces. I was definitely falling for her.

A week had passed since the date. We had been texting each other nonstop. I still remember the taste of her lips after the kiss. It has been replaying in my mind ever since. I was ecstatic. I was on cloud 9. I was thinking about possibly asking her out to be my girlfriend. I had never been in a relationship before. I don’t count the relationship I had back in high school. I thought my ex and I had something serious, at least it was to me, but to her I was just another tally she added to her ‘to-do list.’ Ever since then I never liked being committed to anyone. Until I met Jennifer. She was different. She wasn’t somebody I just wanted to hook up with, but someone I can see myself being with forever. 

I was on my drive back from the factory when I got a text message from her asking to accompany her for a walk in the park. Of course I said yes, and that I will pick her up from her house once I go home and change into more comfortable clothes. I decided to wear my light blue shorts and a white shirt with sneakers and a hat. I got back in my car and drove to her house. She greeted me outside, and she was wearing a light pink sundress. She got in the car and leaned over and kissed my cheek. I know that caused my face to blush because she was giggling. The park wasn’t far from her house. I didn’t think about time as I was enjoying my time, and didn’t want to be reminded of the day coming to an end. However, I did think about asking her to be my girlfriend. It’s been about a month and a half since we first met and I was definitely developing a crush. 

We stopped at a bench that had a view of the entire park. We sat in silence for a while just taking in the sight. The sun was setting, showing a beautiful sunset. Parents were trying to drag their children back home. I never thought about having kids before, but if things work out with Jennifer, then I’d be happy to start a family with her. She must’ve read my mind because she broke the silence.

“Have you ever thought about having kids?”

“Honestly, no I haven’t. Have you?”

“Ever since I was a little girl I thought about having a family. I would always want to play with my dollhouse and make a family with my dolls.” She laughed at that thought, but I found it adorable. 

“Why haven’t you thought about having a family?” she asked me. 

“Honestly, I was never one for being in a committed relationship. Back in high school I had this girlfriend who I was in love with, but she wasn’t in love with me. She was just using me to add another tally to a list of guys she slept with. She had that reputation of being the school’s player. After we slept together, I didn’t hear from her for a week. When I went to confront her about it, she broke up with me and said she didn’t need me anymore. I was heartbroken after that and told myself I was never going to get in a relationship again. Since then I’ve just done casual hook ups. Looking back now, I’m probably not any better than she was.”

“Wow. I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

“It’s fine. Truthfully, I’m over it.”

“That’s good. But, if you don’t do anything more than casual hook ups, why are you sitting here with me right now?”

“Truthfully, I think you’re different, in a goodway of course. You aren’t like any of the other girls I’ve met before. From the moment I first saw you at the club sitting at the bar, I knew that I wanted to know more about you. Your eyes captivated me towards you. Maybe that’s why I spilled my drink on you.” I told her, joking at the end.

“That was really sweet. I like to say it was meant to be then. I remember telling my friend  the next day at the coffee shop that you were an interesting character that I wanted to know more of and there was just something about you that intrigued me. From the moment you spilled your drink on me, I knew I was going to fall for you.”

“I’m falling for you as well.”

Slowing, we both leaned in, and for the second time, we kissed. When we pulled apart we both had a huge smile. I took this as my chance to ask her the question I’ve been too nervous to ask. 

“I’ve been thinking about asking you this for a while now, but I’ve been too nervous and even scared to ask, but, will you be my girlfriend?”

She squealed and jumped in my lap.

“Yes, yes!” 

We both were so ecstatic we probably looked like fools jumping up and down giggling. We were hugging each other and we kept going in for kisses. I have never been this happy before in my life. For the first time in a long time, I knew what love felt like, and it was all thanks to her. I couldn’t wait to see what the future holds for us. 
