

My first short story was workshopped on Monday, 10/24, and to be honest, I was nervous coming into class to hear what people had to say. Seeing as I never took a class like this before, I didn’t know what to expect. I am also not the greatest at writing, especially a story, since I did not have any experience before this class. I’m usually not the biggest fan of my own writing, so I was pleased to hear about the things that my classmates liked. I was glad to know that people liked the dialogue, especially because I had a time trying to convey a good amount of it and how to go about it between the characters. There were some points in the story that I was not sure if I was writing it correctly, like the suspense or the drama between Samantha and her mother. As for the suggestions I was given, I will definitely be doing them to revise my story. As I was writing it, I would make notes on some things that I would go back and revise at a later time, and I was pleased to know that my peers were also thinking the same thing. I for sure plan to go more in depth about the accident and Samantha’s thoughts on her way home and how it affects her anxiety, and the role it plays. I was also told to make it a bit more believable, which I totally agree on. Some questions I received was if the story was over, and ending on a cliffhanger. The answer is no. I have a plan on how I want the story to end and what happens to Samantha. I’m excited to see where it goes. I would say my first workshop was a success and I appreciate all the feedback I got. 
