Step 1

Step 1

When I walked into the house, all I could feel was everyone’s eyes on me.  They were all staring at me as I just stood there.  No one moved, no one said anything.  It was just quiet.  Eventually, I started walking towards the center of the living room.  Everyone then started to whisper, creating their rumors on what they thought had happened.  Some started crying, panicking, screaming in fear, and even fainted.  I was confused.  I didn’t know why they were all acting like this.  It’s like they have never seen anyone covered in blood before.

A few hours before…

It was a Saturday afternoon.  The sun was out, the birds were chirping, and I was having a wonderful day.  I spent the whole day out doing some shopping.  I was doing everything normally how I usually do it when I go out for the day; I leave early in the morning, get some breakfast and head out to the stores.  It wasn’t until the drive home that everything changed.  It was going as it also goes, I was driving the speed limit and listening to music blasting in my speakers.  Until suddenly, the sun stopped shining and it started to rain.  It was a rainstorm, a downpour.  It wasn’t the sound of rain I would describe as nature’s song, or a peaceful rain to fall asleep to.  No, this rain was the worst I have ever seen, let alone had to drive in.  It was too late by the time I was able to notice.  I couldn’t see.  I couldn’t see him walking.  I had hit the man.  He was once a man minding his business walking across the street.  Then he became a man who was hit by a car.  Once I could, I pulled over and quickly ran out of the car to see the man laying almost lifeless on the road, covered in his blood from the impact.  I was scared.  How could this happen? Why did this happen?  That’s what I asked myself as I stood there watching him slowly die.  I couldn’t handle it any more.  I acted on impulse and out of fear and ran to the man.  I didn’t try to help save him.  I dragged him to the woods and left him there.  I got back in the car and headed home.  I was all wet, covered in dirt. And covered in the man’s blood.  I just wanted to go home and forget what happened.  

Present time…

“Samantha! Where have you been? You have been gone for seven hours now,” my mother, Heather, said to me.  “Wow, have I really been gone that long?” I asked myself.  

“I was just out and about doing my usual Saturday routine, when I got caught in that horrendous downpour.”  “Yes, but why are you so filthy right now?” my mother asked.  “Because mother, I was just in the pouring rain like I just said.”  “Stop with the attitude right now and tell me why you are covered in dirt… is that blood on you?!”  “I just slipped and fell on the mud walking up a hill and cut myself a bit, it is nothing serious.  Goodbye mother.”  

I ran out of the room and away from all those people and went to my bedroom.  I knew that I was going to never hear the end of this from my mother, and that later when everyone leaves, I am going to get screamed at all night about how I “embarrassed” my mother in front of all her fancy friends.  My mother likes to think of herself as an important person because we are a rich family.  In fact, all of our successes came from my father, who was the CEO of Apple, but unfortunately, he died three years ago suddenly in his sleep.  The doctors say it was a sudden heart attack, but I think it is something else.  The company was then passed down to my mother, and once she goes, it will be passed down to me.  I am an only child so the business will eventually end with me.  Anyways, after the death of my father, my mother changed drastically.  She became all about the money and the success she was receiving.  A part of me thinks she was only with my father because of his money and his big house.  In this big house we have, she is always hosting some massive party, like the one she was having today when I came back home.  My mother will do everything in her power to force me to speak about the interruption I caused.  I will make sure no one ever finds out about what happened back on that road.  
